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HHAI Website Backup 07252022
Inspiring Jewish Identity, Achieving Academic Excellence
From Our Principal
HHAI Mission Statement
Staff Directory
Map and Directions
Employment Opportunities
HHAI Continuous Learning Plan
Early Childhood Education
Elementary School
Middle School
Students' Websites
Parent/Teacher Organization
HHAI Wellness Policy
Summer Camps
Amiad Saadia
1 Past Events
Maon 2009-2010
Michael Voskoboynik, Technology
Oranit Saadia, Grade 1 Judaic
Shavit Hakimi, MS Judaic
Grade 6 Trip to the Turkey Run State Park, April 11-12
Grade 7 Trip to Boston - April
Grade 7 Trip to St. Louis, May 4 - 6
Grade 7 Trip to Washington, DC - April 13 - 15
Grade 8 Israel Trip
Grade 8 Israel Trip
Grade 8 Israel Trip
Grade 8 Israel Trip
Grade 8 Israel Trip, May 1 - May 16
Grade Eight Graduation
Grade Eight Graduation - June 5
Grades 5-8 Mystery Trip - April 26
Graduation - June 1
Graduation - June 1
Graduation - May 30, 2012
Grandparents and Special Friends Day - November 25
Grandparents and Special Friends Day, November 23
Grandparents Day - Musical Program Videos
Grandparents Day - November 24
Grandparents, Family and Friends Day
Grandparents, Family and Friends Day - November 26
Hanukah Campaign Dinner - December 12
Hanukkah Songfest - December 9
Happy Hollow Camp, August 26-28
Happy Hollow Camp, September 1 and 2
HHAI Annual Talent Show - May 21
HHAI Soccer
HHAI Students Making Matzah for Pesach - March 26
HHAI Volleyball
Hooverwood Alzheimer's Walk
Hooverwood Memory Walk- October 8
Hooverwood Walk, September 21, 2011
ICE (Indiana Computer Educators) Conference - October 11
ICE Conference, October 15
Indiana State House Holocaust Observance Ceremony - April 10
iPad Boot Camp
Journey to Israel 5K Run/Walk
Journey to Israel 5K Walk/Run
Lag B'Omer - Color Wars - May 10
Lag B'omer at HHAI - May 3
Last Day of School
Middle School Drama Elective Play - December 14
Middle School Honor Roll Breakfast - December 3
Middle School Integration Day
Middle School Integration Day
Middle School Integration Day - January 16
Middle School Integration Day - March 1
Middle School Trip to the lndiana Historical Society - January 10
Mr. Hart Hasten's Visit - January 6, 2011
NHD, Helping Handbags and Math Madness - March 6
Open House for Grades 1-8 - August 8
Pesach - Trip to the Hooverwood, April 6
Pesach at HHAI, April 2011
Pesach, March - April
Pi Day, March 15
Purim - March 10
Purim Celebration - February 22
Purim Celebration - February 26
Purim Celebration - March 18
Purim Celebration - March 8
Ram Visit
Rosh Chodesh Kislev
Rosh Chodesh Program- Cheshvan, October 31
Rosh Hashana Celebration
Rosh Hashana Celebration, September 28
Rosh Hashanah Celebration
Science Olympiad - February 21
Second Grade Chumash Party - November 4
Second Grade Chumash Party, November 13
Second Grade Chumash Party, November 7
Shavuot Lernathon - May 25
Siddur Party - February 21
Siddur Party - February 22
Siddur Party - March 6
Spelling Bee
Sukkot Celebration
Sukkot Celebration
Sukkot Celebration, October 13 - 21
Talent Show
Talent Show - March 29
Talent Show - March 6
Talent Show - May 14
Talent Show, February 28
Torah Fair - March 4
Torah Fair, March 10
Tu B'Shevat Activities - February 8
Volleyball - September 22, 2011
White River Gardens Trip - August 29
Woman of Valor
Woman of Valor - May 20
Woman of Valor - May 27
Yom Ha'Atzmaut (Israeli Independence Day) Celebration - April 29
Yom Ha'atzmaut - Israel Independence Day - April 19
Yom Ha'atzmaut - Israel Independence Day - May 9
Yom Ha'Atzmaut Celebration, April 2012
Yom HaZikaron - Yom HaAtzmaut - April 15
Yom HaZikaron and Yom HaAtzmaut
Youth Holocaust Museum Opening - May 20
Hagai Moalem, MS Judaic
Jennifer Blaine, Physical Education
Lonica Solomon, MS Science
Mary Ellen Fellegy, Art
Matt Tucker, MS Math
Maya Shmoel, 5-7 Hebrew Language
Miriam Gettinger, MS Judaic
Rabbi Dov Wender, ES Judaic
Rabbi Tzuriel Gluck, Grade 2 Judaic
Sarah Snider, MS Humanities
Shulamit Hasten, ES Hebrew Language
Zita Nurok, Grade 2
Anna Voskoboynik
Iszabel Cohen
Michaela Geller-Montague
Yael Cohen
HHAI Holocaust Museum
2019 Virtual Ad Journal
Reserve Your Seat
HHAI Story
HHAI Brochure
Shabbat Shalom Weekly Newsletter
Covid Response
Lunch Menu
Homework Online
Rabbi Yaakov Rutstein
How to Help
Purchase a Tribute Card
HHAI Website Backup 07252022
HHAI Annual Talent Show
HHAI Annual Talent Show - May 21
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HHAI Annual Talent Show
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